Sabor Judío: the Jewish-Mexican Cookbook. Co-author with Ilan Stavans. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2024. Finalist for 2025 National Jewish Book Awards in Food Writing & Cookbooks (Jane and Stuart Weitzman Family Award)
Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gendered Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
Unruly Women: Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Winner of the Vern Williamsen Comedia Book Prize. Honorable mention for Best Book of 2014, Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.
Select Articles and Book Chapters
“Hijas de Felipe y Podcast como Performance: ‘nos interesa de esta época por nuestro momento presente’ Comedia Performance 21.1 (2024): 328-343.
“‘Como estudiar todo lo que no nos enseñaros’: una conversación sobre la serie Juana Inés con Monika Revilla” Comedia Performance 21.1 (2024): 318-327.
“How Dictionaries Define Us” Translation as Home. Ed. Regina Galasso. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2024.
“Public Facing Comedia, Engaging Multilingualism” Hispanófila 198 (2023): 35-48.
“Early Modern Gender Again: María Folguera and Nando López” Journal of Romance Studies 23.2 (2023): 205-219.
“Language stories through Multilingual Mainers” The Language Educator Magazine (ACTFL Quarterly Magazine) (July 2023, peer reviewed)
“Multilingual pasts and futures: recipes across languages” Early Modern Studies Journal 8.22 (2022)
“Gloria Anzaldúa” with Ilan Stavans. Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies. Oxford University Press (peer-reviewed online resource, 2022)
“Women Administrators in Early Modern Spain” Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Eds. Rodrigo Cacho and Catherine Egan. New York: Routledge, 2022.
“Scents and Celestinas: Alchemical Women in Early Modern Spain” Early Modern Women (2021):113-20.
“María de Zayas and Cultural Violence” Pornographic Sensibilities. Eds. Nick Jones and Chad Leahy. Philadelphia: Routledge, 2020.
“Chronic Denial” Postmedieval Special Issue: Confessions 11.2 (2020): 189-94.
“Staging Early Modern Gender Now” Remembering Dr. Amy Williamsen. Eds. Robert Bayliss, Judith Caballero and Esther Fernández. New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2020.
“‘The Constant Resonance of Now’: Translator Harley Erdman and Director Gina Kauffman on Wild Thing” Comedia Performance 17.1 (2020): 90-97.
“Confined Conversion: Critiquing Institutional Care for Women in 17th-century Madrid” Hispanic Issues (2020): 59-71.
“‘El género no puede ser un impedimento’: una conversación sobre Ana Caro con la directora Leyma López” Comedia Performance 16.1 (2019):115-127.“When Women Say No: Don Juan and the Language of Protest” Studies in the Sources, Scope and Reach of Don Juan. Eds. Carmen Rasilla and Jorge Abril Sánchez. Newark: Juan de la Cuesta, 2019.
“‘Create an Unexpected Context’”: A Conversation about Adaptation and Performance with Playwright Dave Dalton” Comedia Performance 15.1 (2018): 86-92.
“‘A Game and a Sense of Strategy’: Playwright Callie Kimball on Sofonisba Anguissola” Comedia Performance 14.1 (2017): 178-188.
“Teaching Don Quixote in the Digital Age: Page and Screen, Visual and Tactile” (with co-author Crystal Hall) Hispania 99.4 (2016): 600-14.
“‘Skills proper to their Sex’: Cecilia Morillas and a New Domestic Education in Early Modern Spain” Gender and History 27.2 (2015): 292-305.
“A Starlet Deformed: Seeing Women in Manuel Puig’s The Buenos Aires Affair” Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 44.1 (2015): 19-28.
“Portrait of an Actress in Eighteenth Century Peru” Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment 38.1 (2015): 71-82.
“Women’s Exemplary Violence in Luis Vélez de Guevara’s La Serrana de la Vera” Bulletin of the Comediantes 66.1 (2014): 159-175.
“Chronicling Women’s Containment in Bartolomé Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela’s History of Potosí” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 39 (2010): 279-296
“Inquisition and Epistolary Negotiation: Examining the Correspondence of Teresa de la Valle y la Cerda.” Letras Femeninas, Mujeres alborotadas: Early Modern and Colonial Women’s Cultural Production: A Festschrift for Electa Arenal 35.1 (2009): 293-309.
Public Scholarship
Project Director, Multilingual Mainers 2017-present; (humanities lab serves multiple districts in Maine, supporting world language and ELL teachers)
"Hispanic health disparities in the US trace back to the Spanish Inquisition" The Conversation (March 2024)
Valor, Outrage and Woman (Dramaturg and Spanish language consultant for Director Sylvia Cervantes Blush, Bowdoin College, performances February 29-March 2 2023)
“The Magic of Bilingual Education” Washington Post Magazine, “The Unwritten Rights Issue: The Right to let children learn a foreign language (1923)” (November 2022) (invited)
Snow in the Jungle/ Nieve en la jungla (Spanish language script consultant with Director Robbie Harrison, Children’s Museum & Theater of Maine, performances October 8-November 13, 2022)
“Words and Power: How Dictionaries Define Us” with Ilan Stavans. Two-part essay for Los Angeles Review of Books (January 2022)
“The Representation of Language and Cultural Identity in US Picture Books, A series” for Diverse Book Finder in collaboration with Bowdoin Students Roshaun Christopher, Sam Kingsbury, Rosemary Nguyen, and Norell Sherman.
“Whose Spanish, Anyway?” for Public Books (2020)
“Overlooked Women from History: María de Zayas” for Bustle (2019)
“How To Cook and Cure: Early Modern Recetas” for Nursing Clio, “Medicine/Medicina” (2018)
“Teaching Transcription and Recipes at a Liberal Arts College” for Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (open access, peer-reviewed collaborative blog) (12/2017)
“How She Should Behave: Women’s Archetypes in Early Modern Europe” Bowdoin College Museum of Art. October 24- December 5, 2013.